Episode 34, May 23, 2011 – The world didn’t end, so you get a fresh episode of Radio Show with Jeff and Jeremy. Lucky you.

Jeff and Jeremy talk about the Battery Park Wine Bar, bridal showers, Cropicana, Sweet Moses, Lucky’s Cafe, Tom Evanchuck at the Beachland Ballroom and giant raccoons.

And in the news:

Plus, there’s going to be two pop up restaurants in the future Noodlecat space this summer.

No show next Monday due to Memorial Day, but here’s some events to occupy your weekend with:

And in sports… The Indians once again have the best record in Major League Baseball, the Cavs get the first and fourth round draft picks and the NFL players union is still locked out…

Want to come to Jeremy’s wedding? E-mail Jeff at hatemail@radioshowonline.com and he might bring you as his date!

And get a skin cancer screening!

Listen To Episode 34 of Radio Show With Jeff and Jeremy