Cynthia Meria Brownie
Episode 22 – January 24, 2011 – Introducing our very first Facebook Fan of the Week: Cynthia Meria Brownie! Congratulations! You get to pick a prize from the Wall of Fun!
Cleveland State’s men’s basketball team keeps kicking butt, Jeremy drinks nothing but juice all weekend, lots of talk about ginger, Jeff bar hops from Rivergate Tavern, to Hooples, to Duck Island while Jeremy tricks a jewelry store into thinking he’s actually interested in a wedding band.
Looking for something to do in Cleveland while it’s freezing outside? How about tobogganing, skiing or sledding? Looking for another way to get your marijuana fix? How about a soft drink?
“Hi! I want to give you $2 million dollars!”
“Cool, thanks!”
“You just need to give us $100 first.”
“No thanks, loser!”
“Then we’ll kill you.”
“Do I still get the $2 million?”
Great places to eat in Cleveland when it’s cold, including Bar Cento.
Kill your mother-in-law, get $280,000.
And Downtown Cleveland Restaurant Week 2011 starts February 21!
LISTEN NOW for your chance to win $2 million! (or we’ll murder you)
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