Episode 9 – October 11, 2010 — David Arquette and Courtney Cox break up and Jeff and Jeremy are the first to bring the story to you on this Columbus Day.

Find out how Jeff’s sobriety is going (hint: it’s not).  But he does have a great idea of filling up an aquarium with drunk people from the Cleveland Browns game.

Jeremy talks about happy hour at The Corner Alley, dinner at AMP 150 and drinks at The Velvet Tango Room.  Jeff discusses Community Land Trust of Greater Cleveland, Market and Wine Bar in Rocky River and his Cleveland Plays football team actually winning.

Plus, the Top 50 Happy Hours in Cleveland and Cleveland Beer Week.

And you’ll want to hear about the 12 Hours of Terror at The Capitol Theater this weekend.

New segment alert!  Music Penetration with Jeff and Jeremy.

There’s cars driving themselves around California.  And Google’s behind it — taking over our driving habits like they’ve taken over our search habits.

Who would you rather be:  Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg?

And much, much, much more!